A while back, I was going through my Google reader feed thingy. I chose to focus on my Problogger feed by Dareen Rowse. He issued a challenge to his readers to post links to seven other post in our archives- in the following categories- that we’d like to share again.
So, here are mine:
- Your first post–I have been writing this site for a long time (six years this month) and it has gone through a lot of changes and host servers. I actually had to go to archive.org to find out what was my actual post. I used to write two articles at a time. I’m not sure how I pulled that off. But the first post was Stress Effects. You can also see what the site looked like when it just started.
- A post you enjoyed writing the most—In Defense of Gen Y I feel strongly that the next great generation is getting a bad rap. So, I wrote this article to defend their honor.
- A post which had a great discussion–Recently, I posted Living with Your Significant Other. And, I got a couple of comments on it. Yay! I love comments. It seems to have struck a nerve with people.
- A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written— You Only Get Paid What You Think You Are Worth. Many of my clients believe that they really can’t make a lot of money doing what they are passionate about. And because they believe that they are setting low fees. The Launch Coach doesn’t accept your insecurities.
- Your most helpful post–I like to think all my posts are helpful but the most helpful one, I’d have to go with My Grad is Home, Now What? I know parents really want to help but are not sure how to approach their grad without sounding like they are nagging them.
- A post with a title that you are proud of—Weighing the Options. I just think that is a brilliant title on an article where I am discussing choices that have to be made in order to lose weight.
- A post that you wish more people had read— Volunteering Your Time to Help Others is among my favorite posts. I truly believe that we are meant to help others and I am always looking for ways to encourage people to volunteer more.
So there you have it. Let me know what you think!
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