Graduate into the Real World

What to Do When Technology Destroys Your Relationship

October 14, 2010

in Prep Talk,Relationships,The Firsts,The Seconds

The great thing about technology is that constant advances allow us to expand our minds, meet people, and find new and interesting ways to make our lives easier and more fulfilling.  Of course, there are two sides to every coin.  Every time a new technology comes along, someone finds a way to abuse it rather than recognizing its potential and utilizing it in a tempered manner.  And unfortunately, many advances in hardware and software over the past several years have proven detrimental to carrying on traditional (as in real world) relationships.  So if you’ve found that your honey is too engrossed in online gaming to spend any time with you, or that he is using the internet to chat up a lot of other women, or if he can’t seem to put down his smart phone for two seconds while you have dinner together, then technology could be destroying your relationship.  And there are a few steps you should take to stop it from happening.

  1. Call a time out.  If you can’t seem to tear his attention away from whatever electronic screen is currently sucking out his brains through his eyeballs, then perhaps it’s time to hit the power button.  “But, hon!  I was about to hit level 10!”  Too bad.  If he can’t figure out how to split his time between you and the machine, call a time out to discuss what you can do to come to a compromise.
  2. Set a schedule.  He has no trouble penciling in doctor’s appointments, meetings for work, and time to watch the football game, so why not have him schedule in time for tech and time for you?  You certainly don’t need to be joined at the hip day and night, but knowing that your time is sacred time (without the worry of a technological interloper) might help you to feel more important while still allowing him to attend to his electronic needs.
  3. Discuss some ground rules.  No tech at the dinner table is a good place to start.  Honestly, can you really call it a date if he’s staring at a screen the whole time?  If it’s affecting your love life, it’s time to take a stand and set some parameters for gadget usage.
  4. Toss the technology.  Do you even remember what it was like to live without being connected to the entire world 24/7?  Try unplugging electronics, powering down phones, and spending an evening sans technology.  Taking the time to remember why you like each other may lead to a lot more nights with the lights out!
  5. Ditch the dude.  If he simply can’t relinquish control of the remote, shut down the PS3, or give you the undivided attention you deserve instead of taking every call, then perhaps it’s time to offer up an ultimatum: me or technology!  While you may not want to give up on the relationship, it takes two to tango and you need a partner, not a glassy-eyed zombie.  If he refuses to bow to your shenanigans, simply pack your bags and ship out.  There are a lot of fish in the sea who don’t need a webcam to see you for the catch you are.

Sarah Danielson is a writer for Seduction where you can find great tips and advice about the art of seducing your partner.

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