Graduate into the Real World

Ways to Save for Life After Graduation

December 6, 2010

in Money,Prep Talk

This is a guest post written by Lauren Dzuris. Lauren runs FindMyCarSeat, an Infant Car Seat website that can help new parents find a great car seat, while giving them tips, and advice on everything from pregnancy to parenting.

It seems like all through high school we just want to be older so we can move on with our life. We want to go to college, graduate and get our dream job, and of course move out of parent’s home. Although we all have that in mind for our future, it doesn’t always happen like that. In order for that to happen, we need to make good decisions now, and plan for that time. In other words, we need to start saving our money to make that possible.

If you hope to move out on your own or with a friend right after graduation, here are some tips you should consider if you’re looking to save a few bucks in the meantime!

Have a plan: If you don’t have a plan, sit down now and come up with one. Think of where you want to be once you graduate. How much will it cost to move out? How much does furniture cost to furnish your new place, and what are the start up costs of moving out?

Part-time job: It is a good idea to get a part-time job if you don’t already have one. Although you may be busy now with school, and your social life, it is important to have some type of cash flow.

Create a budget: Another thing you’ll need is a budget. Think of how much you’re currently making on a monthly basis. How much of that covers bills? What are you spending on leisure, and how much do you have left over to save? Make it a habit to always save at least 10-15% of each paycheck to put away in your savings.

Lifestyle: In order for you to be good with your money, you need to have a certain lifestyle. Most teenagers or young adults like to party, go out, and spend their money, but you need to think differently. Find some hobbies that are cost free. Whether you go to the park to ride your bike, or you get together at your friend’s house every week, keep it low on the spending.

Money savvy: Find ways to become savvier with saving. It doesn’t matter how you save money, just as long as you do. People use all different kinds of techniques whether it’s shopping for on sale items only, using coupons, shopping at a thrift store, or even reusing certain things. There are several different ways to save money!

Saving money for life after graduation isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s probably one of the hardest things you’ll ever do! We need to start learning that discipline, getting that motivation, and learn the habits of an adult. So, before you spend any more money, ask yourself if it will help you get closer to your first place!

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