Graduate into the Real World

One Life to Live

October 6, 2010

in Motivation/Inspiration,Prep Talk,The Firsts,The Seconds

What dreams, goals or vision for your life do you have that you are not pursuing because you’re afraid of what other people (read: friends, family, co-workers, strangers) are going to think of it?

Today, I’m going to discuss one of the many roadblocks that are holding people back from living the life of their dreams. It’s the fear of what someone else is going to say or how they are going to be perceived. Is this where you are right now?

Well, for the record, let me state that people are really not paying as much attention to you as you may think. No, my friend, they are much more concerned with whatever drama is unfolding in their own lives. Don’t believe me? Think of your own situation. Are you more concerned with what is going on in your life or are you engulfed in someone else’s life? My guess is that unless you are a parent, you are mostly focused on your own struggles. Sure, you may think about someone else’s situation for a hot second but then you are back to you and what’s going on in your world.

And, if it’s family you are concerned about, I’m sure they just want you to be happy and whichever direction you decide to go in they will support you. And if not, heck with ‘em. You may think that is harsh but think of it this way. If you continue to not do what you are passionate about, how is your life going to be? Will you be filled with regret for not going for it? Would you continuously come back to this time in your life when would have, could have, should have given it a shoot? How is that going to feel?

If the reaction is not a happy one, pay attention to that. Your emotions are screaming out to you for a reason. We are emotional creatures and I feel we really need to pay attention to how we feel about something. Some people call it your gut feeling or your intuition. I don’t care what you call it as long as you listen, trust and follow it.

Who are you around 24/7?
In case you can’t figure it out, it’s YOU! Can you escape yourself? (If you can, please share your secret.) No, you can’t! When you look in the mirror, the person looking back at you is the ONLY person you have to answer to! Your goal is to be able to look in the mirror each and every day and be proud of the image reflecting back.

You know what you are here to do and only you can do it. Don’t let the louder voices of nonbelievers dictate how you live your life. Allowing that to happen will only have you wishing you tried it or getting old and thinking, I wonder what would’ve happened if I did that. You don’t want to live with regrets. We’re just too young for that.

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