Graduate into the Real World

Nealey Levi is on the Move!

October 27, 2010

in Twentysomethings on the Move

“Live the life you love.”

Name: Nealey Levi

Age: 26

Occupation: Professional Organizer

Did you go to college? Where? Yes, American University in Washington, D.C
What did you study? Graphic Design

Where do you work?
All over the D.C. metro area. My specific location depends on the day and what appointments I have. Otherwise I’m working from home.

Where are you from? Proud to be from Texas!

Why did you pick this career?
I feel like it chose me. I’ve been an organizer since birth – sorting the crayons by color at age 5, organizing my friends’ toys at age 10, helping my friends clean out their closets at age 16, teaching my boyfriend orderly habits at age 22, and now organizing professionally at age 27.

What are your future plans for your career?
There’s so much I want to achieve. The details have yet to be determined, since there are so many avenues I could take in order to advance. Thus, my future plans are to be happy while accomplishing great things.

How did you get involved in this career?
After college, I was working at a small sign company doing design, sales and administrative tasks. I was looking for associations to cold call when I came across NAPO’s (National Association of Professional Organizers) website, and my eyes lit up with revelation. The rest is history.

How did you prepare yourself for this career?
I did a lot of researching, networking and saving. I researched the industry as well as local companies. I networked with fellow organizers and joined the local NAPO chapter. I made sure I had saved enough in my bank account to cover my expenses if this venture didn’t pan out. I’m so glad it did. 🙂

And if you just happened to land in this career what made you stay?
Hmmm, so many things! I love helping my clients. I love being my own boss. I love the feeling of order and harmony that comes after a hands-on session. I love doing what I love.

What are the downsides to this profession? Well it’s a relatively new industry, so there’s a lot of paving to do. However, I don’t really view that as a downside; that’s more of an opportunity.

What is a typical workday for you? Well briefly…
7:30 am: Wake up, brush teeth, feed dog, take vitamins, wake up husband
7:45 am: Check/return emails
8:15 am: Leave for a client’s house
9:00 am: Hands-on organizing session
1:30 pm: Get back home (if I don’t have another appointment or a donation drop off) & eat lunch
Rest of the day: Checking/returning emails, updating my website, working on stuff for NAPO-WDC (I’m on the Board of Directors), playing with the dog

How might this job be a stepping stone to other professions?
It actually works just as well both ways. There are a lot of organizers who got into the industry after retirement and/or for their second career. I’ve talked to fellow organizers who used to be executive assistants, interior designers, architects, event planners, graphic designers, and the list goes on.

What is the single-most important piece of advice you can offer a person pursuing this career?
It’s not as easy as some people think it is. It’s one thing to be organized and it’s quite another to walk into someone else’s mess…

What steps do you recommend to someone who is planning to pursue this career?
Like with anything, do as much research and networking you can. Also, an absolute must is to join the national and local NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) chapters and get involved.

What professional or community volunteer organizations are you currently a member of?
NAPO! I am the current Director of Communication & Technology for NAPO Washington, DC. I was welcomed with open arms into the organization and learned so much as a budding professional organizer. Being on the Board of Directors and being able to give back is just as exciting, if not more. I just love being a part of it.

Website: The Organizing Boutique

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