Graduate into the Real World

Love Nation: Technology Breakups

August 19, 2010

in Relationships,The Firsts,The Seconds

If you haven’t seen LoveNation TV, you need to see it STAT! This internet show is hosted by Laurie Davis, the eFlirt Expert and Thomas Edwards, the Professional Wingman! Every Tuesday they dish out advice on the latest dating trends such as mobile dating, commuter couples, picky eaters and more. On  Thursdays on He Said/She Said spots, they each give their advice from a male or female perspective such as befriending an ex, persistence, first date etiquette and so much more.

This week, they discuss technology breakups: the dos and don’ts of breaking up through text message, social media, etc. If you want advice on how to up your dating game, you should really check out an episode.

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