Graduate into the Real World

Lissy Carr is on the Move!

January 26, 2011

in Twentysomethings on the Move

“Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it will actualize itself.” Fortune Cookie, circa 2009.

Name: Lissy Carr

Age: 29

Occupation: Entrepreneur – Founder,

Where are you from?Summit, NJ

Did you go to college? Where? Barnard College, NYC

What did you study? Political Science

Where do you work? Working full time on So Whaddya Do!

Why did you pick this career? To help myself and others find career happiness

What are your future plans for your career? See above!

How did you get involved in this career? I wanted to help people understand what kinds of jobs are out there and how to get them AND to share my expertise on how to get, conduct, and follow up on the all-important INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW!

How did you prepare yourself for this career? I went on a ton of info interviews myself and started interviewing people on camera.

What are the downsides to this profession? Working from home can be distracting, and bringing in a revenue is a challenge as well.

What is a typical workday for you? Breakfast, check email, start on massive to-do list.

How might this job be a stepping stone to other professions? My interviewing skills improve with each new interview and I’m networking with people in all different kinds of professions.

What is the single-most important piece of advice you can offer a person pursuing this career? Any would-be entrepreneur needs to discover what they’re passionate about before building a business around it.

What steps do you recommend to someone who is planning to pursue this career? See above, for step 1. You need to want to wake up everyday and be excited about the business you’re trying to launch.

What professional or community volunteer organizations are you currently a member of? Brazen Careerist

What’s a funny memory from your college or high school days you are legally allowed to share? Driving down to Miami for spring break in college…Miami + Spring Break = For mature audiences only.

How can we find out more about you?

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