Graduate into the Real World

Life is yours. Accept nobody’s definition of your life but your own.

November 17, 2010

in Motivation/Inspiration,Prep Talk,The Firsts,The Seconds

As we go through life, we hear many opinions of what we should or shouldn’t do with our lives. Parents tell us where we should go to college and what we should study. Friends have opinions about who we should date. The media tells is what is beautiful.

With family and friends, it’s all well meaning (sometimes).  They care about you and want the best for you. But don’t let them convince you that what you want or where you see your life heading is unattainable. For them, yes I’m sure it is. But you are not asking them to do it. This is a goal/dream that was put in you, not them.

You only get one life to live. This one. Don’t waste you time following someone else’s dream because there are no do-overs. Make this life count and do what you want. Time is literally running out.

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