Graduate into the Real World

Jordana Jaffe is on the Move!

March 16, 2011

in Twentysomethings on the Move

Name: Jordana Jaffe

Age: 28

Occupation: Founder, Embarkability and live ORGANIZED

Where are you from? New York City

Did you go to college? Where? Yes, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA

What did you study? English

Where do you work? I work out of my home, at the local Starbucks or at clients’ homes and offices.

Why did you pick this career?
I wanted to provide a service for other young women that I myself needed only a few years ago. I wanted to make it easier and more appealing for young women to begin their own businesses soon after college.

What are your future plans for your career?
To continue working with young women and helping them identify what they love to do and how they can contribute their gifts to the world at large.

How did you get involved in this career?
I started my first business at 24 and realized young women needed more resources and a mentor to help them start their own successful businesses. And so, in April 2010, Embarkability was born.

How did you prepare yourself for this career?
For me, I learned through my own experiences about what worked, what didn’t work and what to expect throughout this journey.

And if you just happened to land in this career what made you stay?
I love working with excited and ambitious young women.

What are the downsides to this profession?
There aren’t downsides, as much as there are challenges. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be focused, committed, persistent, and passionate.

What is a typical workday for you?
One thing for sure is there is no typical workday in this profession. But that’s what I love about it! It keeps me on my toes.

What is the single-most important piece of advice you can offer a person pursuing this career?
To find a mentor who can guide you along the way, as well as a group of like-minded, high-achieving individuals to support you on your path to success.

What steps do you recommend to someone who is planning to pursue this career?
First and foremost, give yourself the time and space to get really clear on exactly what it is you want to do and how you want to contribute.

How can we find out more about you?
Feel free to visit to learn more.

Where can we stalk you online?
Facebook Fanpage:

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