Graduate into the Real World

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” — Mike Tyson

December 28, 2010

in Career

I love this quote.

How many times in your job search have you felt like you were punched in the mouth and haven’t had a good comeback?

As you heard about your friends being laid off, you were sure that it wouldn’t happen to you, you didn’t have any reason to worry.

And yet you did…you got that dreaded punch in the mouth.

But as I think about this quote, I focus on the after…the after the punch…that moment of shock and horror when you get that punch…

Your reaction isn’t “I just got hit, I’d better sit down over here and feel sorry for myself or just walk out of the ring.”

It’s “OH YEAH??? Well TAKE THIS!” And you come out fightin’ for all your worth.

And that’s when the adrenaline kicks in, that’s really where you show what you’re made of.

But are you doing that in your job search? I’m not saying that you’re not doing anything–that you’ve completely dropped out of the ring, but are you fighting with everything that you have in you? Are you seizing every opportunity, every slice of hope, every chance you have to win the battle and get that next job? Are you crossing every T and dotting every I?

Have you done things that made you feel uncomfortable–gone outside your comfort zone–and tried a tactic that has actually worked for other people?

I wanna see your fight! I wanna see you dig in and hold on! I want to see you start a job search accountability group to keep everyone motivated! I want to see you take real initiative in your search!

You’ve got it in you! I know you do! At some point you took the initiative to either attend an event I presented, or ended up on my website. You’re ready for change, you needed advice.

Go get ’em champ!

If you keep doin’ what you’re doin’, you’re gonna keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’!

Now, let’s go get some jobs!

Melanie Szlucha’s company Red Inc. Helps candidates stand out from the crowd–in a good way. Follow her on Twitter ( or check out her website:

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