Graduate into the Real World

Do or do not. There is no try. – The Great Yoda

November 3, 2010

in Motivation/Inspiration,Prep Talk,The Firsts,The Seconds

I’m with Yoda on this one. You either do something or you don’t. Remember that the next time you hear someone reply, “I’ll try.” What they are really saying is “Umm, if I have time and I feel like it, and it doesn’t inconvenience me then I’ll do it, maybe.”

Common things I hear: “I’m trying to lose weight,”  “I’m trying to break up with him.” You are either losing the weight or not. You either dump that relationship or not. In the case of weight, I will even accept, “I’m working on losing weight.” But only if you are taking actions to lose weight whether it’s researching gyms, workout DVDs or creating an eating plan. To me, using the word try is just an excuse. I know because I have used it in the past myself. When there was something I didn’t think I could do or didn’t want to do, I would try to do.

So, my challenge to you today is to stop trying and start doing.

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