Graduate into the Real World

Depression Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

March 4, 2011

in Health

“I don’t want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am twenty and I am already exhausted.”
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation)

Anyone who has ever felt ‘down in the dumps’ or who has entered a ‘blue mood’ in their lives usually claims to be depressed. However, this is not really the case. Depression is not a passing phase that works itself out within a few hours. True clinical depression is a psycho-chemical reaction within your body and mind. What we think leads to how we feel. In turn, how we feel changes how we think. Depression strikes young people frequently for many reasons.

The Medical Reasons Behind Depression.

The truth is that clinical depression is not something someone can just ‘get over’. It includes a change in personality that leads to negative thoughts and feelings that are hard to cope with. These feelings are reinforced by the body’s own biochemistry. Sometimes their bodies have not quite finished balancing out on a chemical level. At other times recreational drugs might have thrown this balance off. In cases of long term emotional distress, such as a divorce or death in the family, depression can settle in and last a long time indeed.

Only psychological therapy, familial and social support, or medication can actually help an individual out of their depression. Sometimes it will lift on its own, but usually this is due to the external factors causing the situation changing for the better.

While there is normally an underlying psychological cause or recent series of stressful events, there may also simply be an instance of depression happening for no reason. Depression does not mean you are crazy, damaged, or less worthy. It can strike anyone, at anytime, regardless of age or social circumstances. Some people are even genetically predisposed to this ailment. This is especially true for those who have a history of bipolar illness in the family. Due to the biochemical issues in the body, and the underlying psychological issues which causes them, depression is considered a disease and not just a simple emotional response.

How Can I Help Someone Who Is Depressed?

Getting help for depression has a certain illogical social stigma to it that many young people seem to believe. The truth is that depression is not a sign of mental weakness. It is a medical issue that can be treated in a variety of ways. The first step for recovery from depression is to simply talk openly and honestly about your problems. If you have depression and need aid then a close friend, family member, possibly clergy member, or a clinical psychologist will be able to help you. If you have a friend or family member who is depressed then the greatest help you can render them will be to simply listen to them talk without being judgmental.

Helping people discover what has caused their depression is the next major step on the road to recovering. Familial and friend support is a great aid to those who are depressed, it can be trying for all of those involved but ultimately with enough time the wounds of depression will heal.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

The type and level of depression you are going through will determine the treatment options available. Group and personal therapy sessions might be all that is needed in some instances. Acute levels of depression may require medical aids such as biochemical balancing drugs to help. This latter type is often a popular treatment cited for bipolar depression. In most cases psychotherapy is the only real cure for this ailment.

The medication will only help treat the symptoms for the most part, though it may still be a useful option. However, the most important aspect of treatment will be left to the depressed individual to perform. Whatever is causing the depression must be addressed and critical life changes may be required before healing truly begins.

Sally Mellinger is an avid blogger who enjoys focusing on topics most important to twenty-somethings in the real world. She spends her volunteering, researching health topics, and nurturing her growing career. She is currently working on a book that helps college graduates navigate and decode health and dental insurance when entering the professional world.

{ 1 comment }

Lisa Ray November 29, 2017 at 6:18 am

Depression and anxiety have become a universal health issue. We should be aware of these problems because they can harm our health. Also, it may lead a major problem like sleep disorders, because depression and fatigue are the common symptoms of sleep disorder. Know about more sleep disorders at:

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