The Seconds
Congratulations! You’ve been out of college and on your own for awhile. You are in the phase we like to call “The Seconds.” You’re graduating from an apartment to a house, from your first job to a full fledge career, and more. Don’t worry, we still got ya back.
Today’s Healthy Friday comes for Lisa Corrado of Lisa Corrado Nutrition. We’re exploring ways to make your diet greener which is better for your health and better for the environment. This week’s topic is Eating Locally. What does it mean to eat “locally”? Does it mean eating only from your neighbor’s vegetable garden? Well, if […]
One of my good friends, who I’ve never actually met in person, Jenny Blake, who blogs over on Life After College, recently wrote An Open Letter to Love. She boldly and publicly told Love that they needed some time apart. I totally understand that. Sometimes you need to take a break and come back with […]
Today’s Money Monday comes from my friend, Jill Russo Foster of Cash, Credit and Your Finances. What IS in your wallet? Could you tell me without looking? Some folks like a light wallet and carry only what they need. Others are of the take it all for convenience variety. No matter which category you fit […]
Today’s Healthy Friday comes from Lisa Corrado of Lisa Corrado Nutrition. We’ve got a back to school theme this month with great information that everyone can benefit from. Plus September is Better Breakfast Month. Makes sense to talk about the most important meal of the day: breakfast. Eat Your Breakfast Breakfast is important for so […]
Today’s stellar relationship post is borrowed from the fabulous Jenny Blake of Life After College. Dear Love, I think we should take a break. I find myself bumping into you in all the wrong places. I know people and books say you are everywhere, but for some reason I keep wanting what I can’t have. […]