The Seconds
Congratulations! You’ve been out of college and on your own for awhile. You are in the phase we like to call “The Seconds.” You’re graduating from an apartment to a house, from your first job to a full fledge career, and more. Don’t worry, we still got ya back.
Today’s Money Monday comes from my friend, Jill Russo Foster of Cash, Credit and Your Finances. We’ve all seen movies involving some sudden financial windfall. Maybe the character received an inheritance from an uncle he barely knew, or maybe his investment finally paid off. How did our lucky movie character find out about his good […]
Today’s Stellar Sunday is by Sue Urda Co-Founder and CEO of Powerful You! Women’s Network. How often have you put aside whatever you are doing to selflessly assist another person, even if you don’t know them, simply because they asked you to? How often have you made time in your schedule to help an associate, […]
If you haven’t seen LoveNation TV, you need to see it STAT! This internet show is hosted by Laurie Davis, the eFlirt Expert and Thomas Edwards, the Professional Wingman! Every Tuesday they dish out advice on the latest dating trends such as mobile dating, commuter couples, picky eaters and more. On Thursdays on He Said/She […]
Just because you have kids, doesn’t mean you can never date again. I can imagine that it’s not easy dating with children whether you’re single do to the death of a spouse, divorce or separation. Whichever the case, make sure to take time to deal with the feelings of loss and resolve any feelings from […]
Today’s Money Monday article is by friend Jill Russo Foster of Cash, Credit and Your Finances. Now that these new rules are in effect, you have probably been bombarded with overdraft protection offers. Why is your bank sending these offers now? Because overdraft protection will allow you to overdraw your checking account when using your […]