Graduate into the Real World


Are you missing winks, pokes, and messages because you are not by your computer? You might want to consider reading this is a stellar article by Laurie Davis, eFlirt expert on how to date using your smartphone. She lists a good number of apps you can download to enhance your dating experience on the go. […]

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I wrote a little about unsatisfying relationships on Sunday. And, I wanted to explore that more with an article I wrote a while back. Because, I am convinced that if some of you took the time to look at your relationship, you would see that you are settling. Don’t be ashamed. Everyone has done it, at least once, then when you get burned you learn not to do it again. At least that is what you are supposed to learn.

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“You cannot change other people. You love them the way they are or you don’t. You accept them they way they are or you don’t.” –Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love

Have you ever entered a dating relationship knowing that this person is perfect, if only they would change? But you think, that’s fine. I’ll change them. Or have you been the person who is being forced to change?

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Ever want a rundown of all the top relationship advice books out there? I just came across this article doing just that. Two editors decided to read the most popular ones and give their opinion on whether the advice is useful or useless. Read the full article.

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Do you have a friend who is always complaining about what their boyfriend or girlfriend is not doing right? Every time you ask, which you are starting to think may be a bad idea, they never seem happy in the relationship. Or, you hang out with your friend and their significant other and they always end up arguing. And every time you leave their presence you either appreciate your significant other more or you thank the heavens that you are single.

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