I have to post about this because it is just sheer genius. I’m not a marketing expert but I think what Old Spice is doing is fantabulous. Who wouldn’t want a commercial to talk back. It’s a must see. Check it out. It’s not like you are working right now anyway.
O.M.G. I am so excited that Mint.com released their new goals feature for saving money. It’s awesome! And, while I was on the site I found this stellar article that links to all different types of calculators you can use for planning a wedding, buying a car, and most other of the stages in your […]
If you have been listening to the reports on Generation Y or recent grads, you are probably under the opinion that the future of our world is in trouble. The latest crop of the next great generation has been called lazy, entitled, apathetic, too optimistic and the sweet nothings keep coming.
I found this video on Fox 26’s website on the myths that college grads are following that could be damaging your career such as believing your first job will set the stage for your career (It won’t.), going for the brand named companies, and more. Got a couple of minutes? Watch this video.
I just found this stellar tool to finding out if your budget is in balance. It helps break down your needs, wants, and savings with a cool looking graph. I love visuals. So check out the full article on Msn.com Money to see how your money management plan is working out for you.