Graduate into the Real World


Your new grad is home or about to come home and there are some things you need to be prepared for. We’ll help guide you to developing a healthy adult relationship with your young adult.

I’m in coach training school to become a certified professional coach. One of the requirements for certification is to do complimentary sessions and I have set a goal to do 50! So, I thought it would be a stellar time to give you the opportunity to find out what coaching is all about and tell […]

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Just found this video on a Canadian website. It talks about how to work with the new generation in the workplace. And also gives tips on how Gen Y can make an impact in their companies. Watch the video.

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Think back to when you were out on your own for the very first time. It doesn’t matter if you were just fresh out of high school or fresh out of college. You were just realizing that you were totally in control of your life. You were unprepared and you were scared out of your mind. You weren’t sure of what you should do, and your friends were just as confused as you were.

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For the months of June and July, I am offering free coaching sessions to any recent college grad who wants to test drive my services and see how coaching can help get you to where you want to be. Visit the coaching page to find out more about my programs and schedule your free coaching session today!

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Your college young adult is coming home for the holidays. This may be for the first time or the last time before they graduate. So, how do you make this holiday season enjoyable and start to build healthy adult relationships with your soon-to-be grad?

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