Graduate into the Real World


Your new grad is home or about to come home and there are some things you need to be prepared for. We’ll help guide you to developing a healthy adult relationship with your young adult.

Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want was written by Jenny Blake, blogger extraordinaire over at Life After College, who I’ve had the privilege of meeting in person. Her first book is truly a portable life coach for your twentysomething life. And, unlike other self-help books where the author gives you […]

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Keeping in Touch

February 11, 2011

in Parents

Guest post by Janice, a blogger, a proud mother and a dreamer. I remember the first time I held each of my sons in my arms. I looked at their darling little faces and dreamed of all they would grow up to be. I watched them take their first steps and the next thing I […]

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My TwentySomething Chick

January 6, 2011

in Parents

This is a guest post by zaji. Zaji is a freelance writer and author. Visit her at Don’t forget to check out her blog. She can be reached at My twentysomething chick arrived the other day. Aviance was six pounds seven ounces and entered the world with a head full of hair. Her […]

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Love Personified

December 30, 2010

in Parents

Parent post by new Gen Y mom, Diane Udin No words can truly describe what it is to become a parent. It is essentially turning your life upside down and inside out, a real life roller coaster. It is instantly becoming unselfish, it is love personified. I remember being 9 months pregnant and begging for […]

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Parent guest post by BJ Flagg of Nurenu Brand Marketing My twenties began with my dad sitting me down on the couch spring break, senior year in college and saying, “You’re graduating in May and you need to decide where you are living, what kind of job you want and just make sure Mom and […]

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