Graduate into the Real World


Buying Your First Car

February 10, 2010

in Money,The Seconds

I’ve always heard how car dealers try to haggle and get as much money from you as possible. I decided to bring my stepfather for his support and car buying expertise. I hate succumbing to the stereotypes but when it comes to anything having to do with a car, I truly feel a man is best for the job, at least in my case it is. I’m all for “I am woman, hear me roar” but I’m woman enough to admit when I need help.

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There are many ways that you can create your money plan. You can write it on a sheet of paper, create a spreadsheet or use some type of money tracking software. But one of the most important steps is to put it all into action. We can do all the planning in the world but if you are not going to act on it nothing is going to change.

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