Graduate into the Real World


Excess weight is associated with many diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and so on. Losing even just a few pounds can improve your health and reduce your risk of illness. Here’s what your day can look like if you’re implementing some small changes to eat right and exercise: You wake […]

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Thinking of becoming a vegetarian? Sure, it’s kinder to animals, and good for the environment, but you may be asking yourself “What good does a vegetarian diet do for me?” Well, here are seven good reasons to kick the meat habit. 1. You’ll be richer. By taking chicken, fish and red meat off your grocery […]

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Do You Zumba?

March 11, 2011

in Health

Is Zumba an exercise program or a dance routine? The only answer that addresses both is a resounding ‘yes.’ Zumba is one of the fastest growing, dance aerobics exercises program in the country. Combining large and small muscle movements and constant activity, these wildfire routines set to Latin and Caribbean tempos make getting healthy and […]

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“I don’t want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am twenty and I am already exhausted.” — Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation) Anyone who has ever felt ‘down in the dumps’ or who has entered a ‘blue mood’ in their lives usually […]

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Stress is a slow killer. Prolonged stress can lead to hypertension, blood pressure, blood clots and so on, even causing strokes. Stress is caused due to several reasons. Life is filled with stress factors; the amount of stress that a person experiences depends on how that person reacts to the stress factor.  Since the level […]

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