Graduate into the Real World


If you are having a hard time finding a job you may be contemplating going out on your own and starting a business. But before you do, there are some things you need to take into consideration. It is not all happy days and great times but if it’s a business you really believe in […]

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Yay! I was featured in the Fairfield County Business Journal. The article is about why I started the site and the current outlook for recent college grads in the job market. Check out the full article on the Fairfield County Business Journal’s website.

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You finally got the interview. Whoo Hoo! Now, what? Your first step is to dress to impress but not over do it. If you can get your parents to buy you a suit or if you can splurge to get one yourself, that would be ideal. But if you can’t manage to get one, then a clean, pressed, white buttoned up shirt and slacks or skirt will suffice. For women, don’t wear tight-fitting clothing or have your skirt six inches above the knee or bare all your cleavage. For men, when you select an undershirt, please make it plain and not something that has text on it that may offend anyone if it shows through your dress shirt.

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Many people think that once they have had one or two jobs in a particular field, that they are locked into it for the rest of their careers. If you’re not happy with the field you are working in now, that can be quite a discouraging thought considering that you could remain in the job force for as long as 40 years!

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When you first get out of college, you expect the world to embrace you and give you the perfect position of your dreams.

Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Business is a cold and lonely world that is especially harsh on those that don’t know how to navigate and find those connections that will ultimately deliver a position.

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