Graduate into the Real World

Alfred Blake is on the Move!

January 12, 2011

in Twentysomethings on the Move

“Be a supporter of what you believe in… NOT what you believe will support you”- Alfred Blake

Throughout life, many people have the misconception that support comes after opportunity is spotted. To truly see the world undergo positive metamorphosis, we must support the causes/projects of those who share values similar to our own…not looking for anything in return.

I support because I am a huge advocate for entrepreneurship, and self-sustainability. ChaChanna is a perfect example of the entrepreneurial spirit, and I must support her movement.

Name: Alfred Blake

Age: 25

I am the Co-founder of I Am Multi LLC. I Am Multi LLC was founded by my business partner Kasan “TreDice Lane” and myself. Overall, our mission is to teach youth about their unlimited potential through creativity. I Am Multi LLC teaches youth to embrace all aspects of creativity. We are motivational speakers, own a clothing line, and embrace pop culture. Kasan is also a music artist (Check out his latest single “Just Went Pro” on Youtube”).

To sum it all up, I am a World-Changer in the form of an Inspirational speaker, Author, Mentor, Youth Specialist and Mind-Morphing agent.

Where are you from?
I am from a small town armed with a HUGE vision…. Roselle, NJ via East Orange, NJ

Did you go to college? Where? Yes. I attended Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
What did you study? Do you want the off the record answer, or scholarly response? [laughs] In college, I studied parties, and the latest Jordan kicks! But the answer my parents would like to hear is: Pre-Physical Therapy (I was still able to maintain a respectable GPA)

Where do you work?
I work in many different settings. I am booked to conduct seminars in high schools, middle schools, and conferences throughout the country. Wherever the client books me to travel…I am there! I work from my home office, and wherever my laptop and I travel. I have performed keynotes, and consultant work for colleges, celebrities, activists, politicians, and more.

Why did you pick this career?
As a youth, I was always a “Rule Breaker.” By the time I was in the tenth grade, I had been expelled from three schools. I chose my career as a way to change the lives of youth worldwide. There are many youth who are experiencing loss of identity, uncertainty with future, unfocused ability and talent, and ultimately losing out in their lives. Unfortunately, many have adopted an attitude of hopelessness. There are too many lives that are being lost due to lack of guidance, and relativity. My desire to change the world we live in is the reason I chose this career.

What are your future plans for your career?
The closest future plan is the release of my youth empowerment book by the end of January 2011. I am currently acting upon my future plans to being a proven life-changer in arenas of literature, media, and on the stage. I plan on instilling the will to change in a few world-changers, and watching the fruits of my labor through their enlightenment.

How did you get involved in this career?
A friend of mine initially introduced me to my career during college. In 2007, it was a boring day in my dorm room when a friend of mine gave me the CD of a well-known motivational speaker. I was blown away by the message and inspired! As I listened, I thought to myself “I can change people’s lives through speaking too.” I didn’t take that idea seriously until a few years after (post college).

How did you prepare yourself for this career?
“I prepped myself by reading a hell of a lot of books on the speaking industry. I also have the confidence in what I speak about. Confidence, and an attitude of being an outside of the box thinker has helped me in my career.

I have also been lucky enough to have a mentor (Alvin Perry) who has guided me, and shared an abundance of knowledge about the industry. I am a life-long student, and become more adequately prepared daily. Life’s daily trials and tribulations prepare me to better serve my clients.”

What are the downsides of your profession?
The downsides of this profession are that I typically only get to run my mouth for 45 minutes…rather than an unlimited slot! [laughs] I enjoy every aspect of my business from temporary setbacks to awesome victories!

What is a typical workday for you?
A typical workday for me is responding to emails, and updating my material and writing. With this profession, I have to keep a “Story file.” This file is dedicated to things that happen to me throughout my day-to-day life. The most pertinent task for me is usually writing, and following on leads for new opportunity. While most of the competition is sleeping, I am researching and developing new ideas.

How might this job be a stepping stone to other professions?
This job is a stepping-stone for me to a public advocacy role. I focus on empowering and “serving the masses.” I could easily see transferring my business into a governmental role. We shall see as time goes on. That will not be until my boxer and cane days…. [laughs] Until then I am sharing my God-given gifts and talents with the world.

What is the single-most important piece of advice you can offer a person pursuing this career?
Dare to be YOU! Dig within yourself, and realize that your story is not for you. Whatever stories make your life, share them and connect with your audience through the commonality of being a fallible human being. When you are a speaker, you must give of yourself, and share some of your intimate details to help the audience gain a sense of you in the most authentic manner. Fluff will be detected miles away.

What steps do you recommend to someone who is planning to pursue this career?
1. Read books that will assist with the journey of the speaking business. 2. Join Toastmasters International and hone your skills. 3. Speak as much as you can…even if it is free! 4. Find a mentor who is in the field. My mentor Alvin Perry MBA has taught me huge lessons, and cut my learning curve by years! 5. Learn what your brand is, and BUILD IT!

What professional or community volunteer organizations are you currently a member of?
I belong to Toastmasters International and, New York Urban League Young Professionals.

What’s a funny memory from your college or high school days you are legally allowed to share?
A funny moment in college consists of me sleeping on the ground outside of campus after a looooong night of partying and fun! It was quite a sight to see! How I got there is to be told at another time and place!

How can we find out more about you?

You can find out more about me by adding me on facebook and by sending me an email.

Where can we stalk you online?


{ 1 comment }

EvanTheShow January 12, 2011 at 4:19 pm

awesome article!

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