This guest post is by Rich Gee, an experienced coach and professional speaker. It is that time of the year when seniors need to start, hopefully you have already, really getting in gear for graduation and juniors to start thinking of your options in the job market. And even if you have been out of college for a while you could still benefit from using the services of a career coach. Keep reading and you’ll find out how.
When you first get out of college, you expect the world to embrace you and give you the perfect position of your dreams.
Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Business is a cold and lonely world that is especially harsh on those that don’t know how to navigate and find those connections that will ultimately deliver a position.
A career coach can hone and focus your efforts quickly to target key opportunities and reach your goals that much faster. They’ve been there and they have a map.
At the end of the day, do you want to find a perfect job quickly or accept one that you “kinda like” after 6-12 months of searching? It’s your call.
What is a career coach?
Career coaches teach people how to focus their time and talents while improving their skills and confidence. In addition, coaching assists them in overcoming obstacles restricting achievement of goals.
Coaches work with all types of clients – from students looking for direction to retirees looking for direction (hint: We are all alike!).
- We help you find a job. One that is perfect (or near perfect) for you.
- We help you acclimate easily into your new work environment, make friends, develop a good reputation, and make your work environment conducive to work effectively.
- We help you work smarter – not longer or harder. This is important – too many people think they need to put in 60-70-80 hours a week to succeed. That is not true!
- We help you market yourself within and outside your company – to be more successful.
- We help you develop those opportunities to grow, succeed, and have more fun.
- Finally, we help you develop and maintain an action plan so you do what you really want to do, and be successful at it.
As an example, when you get out of college, your goal is to find a rewarding, lucrative, and fun job (unless you have chosen to live on your parent’s couch for the next 30-40 years). Unfortunately, most colleges and universities do not adequately prepare their graduates for the work world. This includes finding a good company, writing a resume, interview skills, follow up and salary negotiation strategies. And if you do get a position (Bravo!), how you interact with your peers, superiors, how to run a meeting, basic business communication, etc. are all forgotten by our higher learning institutions.
This is where a career coach comes in.
A coach has been there. They have the experience (and the scars) to guide and motivate you to take the right actions consistently so that you can master your time, enjoy a healthy, balanced life and achieve bigger, more rewarding goals without the steep and costly learning curve.
In addition, the purpose of coaching is to provide their clients with a sounding board to think through key issues. We are there to help you navigate the treacherous waters of business to ensure that you make the right decisions for you and make it to port safely every day.
One advantage of the coaching relationship is that you have a mentor that doesn’t have an agenda. What does that mean? You have someone who listens to you and will help you succeed on your terms – not your parents’, friends’, and relatives’. Not that they are bad – but they can sometimes impose beliefs and ideas that run contrary to what you feel is your dream.
What do they do?
We set up a regular call time.
In the morning, afternoon or evening, when we can concentrate on YOU. Most sessions are usually over the phone. Why? It’s more informal and allows us to communicate effectively without any distractions. Coaches also encourage you to bring notes on what you would like to talk about; it helps us attack issues in a logical order and use the time together more effectively.
Coaches LISTEN and ASK questions.
You do most of the talking. If your coach gave you their opinion on every subject, they would be writing boring business/self-help books instead of COACHING. Coaching helps you see clearly and gives you the opportunity to solve your own problems. Just like coaching in sports, you have the innate experience, capabilities, and qualities to excel – my job is to assist with my coaching experience to help you perform better.
Coaches PUSH you.
That’s their job – and that’s what coaches should do. They will regularly push you to extend yourself further, step out of your comfort zones, discuss tough subjects, and make you approach unapproachable people. In the end, if it is part of your list of goals, you need to get there someday – why not today? Don’t worry though, pushing doesn’t always work; coaches do recognize that you might want to attack your issues from another avenue.
We FOCUS on the Magic 3.
We are either doing one of three things on the call – building a firm foundation for you, setting up a series of attainable goals that you want to meet, or forming and completing an action plan to help you attain those goals. Along the way, coaches use tools and techniques to make the journey more fun.
Face it, there is no such thing as a FREE lunch.
You usually have homework at the end of our session – something that you have to complete by our next call. It could be as easy as networking with 2-3 people at the library or as difficult as discussing salary issues with your new boss. It will not be reading seven chapters of The Grapes of Wrath (honest!). It will most certainly center around action items – you might have to read an article, a pamphlet, or even . . . heavens . . . a book!
Advantages of using a career coach
You immediately have an advantage over the thousands – nay – millions of other graduates who are striving for the same opportunities that you are looking at. You come off more polished, more professional – better able to impress that company. This is the real world and you won’t get a second chance.
Finally, we are not in your life forever like bad luggage. We come in, work with you, change some behaviors, give you the momentum to succeed and then we let go of the bike and let you ride off on your own. Most coaching relationships only last 3-6 months.
When you get that job, you enter a hyper-competitive environment – a place where your superiors expect more and more results, peers who exponentially work longer and harder every year (and sometimes try to undermine your plans and career), and finally your direct reports who are consistently banging on the door for your attention and possibly your job. A coach can help you with each situation to understand what is happening, and help you make the right choices to succeed and be happy at your job.
Here are some key secrets that you should learn to be successful in business
One – Learn how to communicate.
– When you should speak in person, use the phone, and email.
– How to run a good meeting and how to act during a meeting.
– How to speak effectively in front of groups to persuade, convince and inform in a pleasant and fun manner.
– How to get your associates to buy-in and cheerlead your projects and initiatives.
Two – Deliver early and add pizzazz to everything that you do.
Ensure each deliverable has a little bit of you – people will remember and look forward to your meetings, talks, and projects. Never over-promise – give them a reasonable deadline and either meet it or beat it.
Three – Treat EVERYONE with respect.
You will never know who will help you move up the corporate ladder – an assistant, a spouse, a friend, the receptionist – they all can make a difference.
Four – Work Smart.
Learn how to retire, delegate, and streamline everything. It allows you to focus on more high-level/priority projects and bypass the mundane that will never impact your career with any momentum.
Rich Gee is the preferred, experienced coach and professional speaker that top executives in many of the world’s leading companies call on. Rich is one of the foremost authorities on how to achieve positive, measurable change professionally and personally.
With over 20 years experience in executive management, Rich is the ‘go-to-guy’ for advice, guidance, and coaching. Through his hard work, Rich continues to reshape the landscape of companies worldwide.
Each year, Rich assists thousands of managers and business owners live their true potential today. Rich currently resides in Connecticut, with his wife and two children.
To learn more about coaching, feel free to contact Rich at or visit his website at
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