Graduate into the Real World

Stop waiting

July 25, 2010

in Motivation/Inspiration,Prep Talk,The Firsts,The Seconds

“If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.” –Mario Andretti

Is there a career out there that you want? A life you want? A relationship you want? A business you want to start? A relationship you want to end? A book you want to write?

I’m sure there is something out there that you want that you don’t have right now. And, I’m also sure that you are probably waiting for the perfect time or when the moon is in the seventh house and in alignment with Jupiter or [insert your procrastination excuse here]. Basically, when the planets, stars, circumstances are just the way you want it, then you’ll get started. Right?

How long have you been waiting for everything to be perfect before you get started?

I know many people who say they want something different but they can’t go after it right now because they are not ready or they have to wait for something else. Sometimes that is a valid reason but most of the time, it’s just an excuse. And, every time I see them they are talking about the same idea or something they want to change. I try to be encouraging to help them get started but they are unwilling because they don’t have the time. It’s so frustrating to me.

If you want to get something done, you have to start right now. Not later. There will never be a perfect time to do it. You have to create it. Because unless you know some secret I don’t, we’re not getting any younger here.

So, with that in mind, what baby steps can you take to put you on the path to create the life you want?

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