Graduate into the Real World

Jonathan Bullard is on the Move!

June 8, 2011

in Twentysomethings on the Move

Books can guide you but your heart defines you!

Name: Jonathan Bullard

Age: 29

What exactly do you do for a living?
I run and operate Your Life Box a social utility website that encourages people to follow their dreams. I’m also pursuing and close to completing a masters in business and finance.

What state do you represent? Florida

Did you go to college? Where? Marist College

What did you study there? Business Management and Finance

Why on earth did you choose this career path and how did you get involved in it?
I want to do something positive and I had a strong passion to encourage people to follow their dreams in life.

What are your future plans for your career?
I want to continue to grow and partner with individuals and companies to help support the members on the site.

What are in love with about this profession?
I love being able to help people and provide support and encouragement for their dreams and goals. 

What are you not so in love with?
Working sometimes 7 days a week doing updates and ensuring that everything is being run correctly.

Give us an example of a day in the life of you doing what you do?
I start by reviewing the site, checking its functionality, working with our programmers to ensure that everything is operational, review updates, security and content changes and talk about any future projects.  Then I review our marketing/public relations initiatives and making sure we are staying on target to reach our goals.  Then I usually contact business partners and work on developing business relationships that will help support the growth of Your

What steps do you recommend to someone who is planning to pursue this career?
I recommend working hard and staying focused on what you are passionate about trying to accomplish in your career, and don’t get discouraged when you come across obstacles.

What is the single-most important piece of advice you can offer a person pursuing this career?
Belief in yourself

What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Never give up on something you believe in

What can we look forward to seeing from you next?
Offering scholarships to students for college and textbooks

What professional or community volunteer organizations are you currently a member of?
I am member of Life Group which is a Christian-based fellowship group that also does various volunteer works throughout the community.

What’s a funny or significant memory from your college or high school days you are legally allowed to share?
I won a kissing contest at a friend’s party in college.  My very first kissing contest who knew I was a pro.

What book are you reading right now?
Pursuit of Happiness

What’s playing in your MP3 player right now?
J.Cole Mixtape

Where can we stalk you online?


Website: sign up, network and start following your dreams

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