Graduate into the Real World

11 Ways to Prepare for the Day After Graduation (Part I)

March 12, 2010

in Prep Talk

Recently, I spoke at Connecticut College and I asked the students how they were feeling about graduating, almost all of them said they were scared because they didn’t know what they were going to do next. And I definitely remember that feeling of wondering what I was going to do after college: I had no idea what I was going to do –and to make matters worse I didn’t really think about it. You know what I did? Nothing. I didn’t have a plan. I just kept putting off thinking about graduation as if by putting it off it was going to somehow stop graduation from happening. It didn’t.

So, I totally understand that you may be feeling scared, nervous, and anxious about the day after graduation. It’s perfectly normal. But don’t let it paralyze you to the point where you don’t take action.

1.) Make sure all your required paperwork is filled out, completed, and filed.

Before we go any further, we need to make sure you are qualified to graduate. Are you certain that you have fulfilled all the requirements for your degree? Double check with your advisor to be sure. Do you have to apply to graduate? Some colleges may require you to apply to graduate while there are others that will assume you are. If you are not sure what you college does, ask, right this second.

2.) Make a decision, create a plan.

Once you are sure you are all set to walk up to the stage and shake the dean’s hand, your next move is to create a plan. Stop what you are doing right now and think about your options. Write them all down so you can see them and start thinking what next steps you want to take. Don’t wait until graduation day to decide what you are going to go. Decide and get started, now!

3.) Are you going to continue on to grad school?

If you are trying to determine which college to attend for grad school, try searching on My College Options. This is a stellar resource where you can look and compare colleges, get information on how to pay for college, and more.

4.) Are you going to get a job?

Make sure your resume is up to par. For some suggestions on how to spruce up your resume, you can check out my previous article. Need more help? Go to your Career Center. Once you have your resume in shape, start sending it out. What are you waiting for?

5.) Are you moving back home?

Do your parents know you are planning to move back home? You might want to tell them. Don’t assume they know. Have a discussion with your parents, guardian, whomever you are moving back home with about what you both expect. Communication is so key in this new relationship. And it is a new relationship because you are not the same person you were when you left for college.

Discuss if there is a curfew expected. Yes, curfew. Ask if they are expecting you to contribute to the bills or pay rent. And the guest policy: can you have guests, is there a limit? Overall, remember that you are living under their roof and that means the loss of certain freedoms you enjoyed while you were away at college.

I think I’ve given you enough to get you started. Next week, I’ll share some more tips to think about as you prepare for life after college. And in the meantime, feel free share some tips of your own!

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11 Ways to Prepare for the Day After Graduation (Part II) —
December 9, 2010 at 12:49 pm

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